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History of Capoeira

Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial art original from Brazil, born during the Portuguese colony. The African slaves were brought to the colonized lands to work in the Sugar cane under very bad conditions. Under the oppression, they created a way to prepare themselves physically, hidding in moves that resembled traditional dances and religious practices in order to avoid repression during their preparation.


The practice of capoeira was strongly punished until the year 1932, when Mestre Bimba brought this Art out of the streets into the academy and introduced the discipline and respect of oriental martial arts, causing a great impression on president Getulho Vargas, who declared the capoeira as a national sport and abolishing any type of repression against this activity.


Capoeira combines a mixture of dynamic dance-like moves (ginga) combined with kicks and punches that flow rhythmically into what is called “the Jogo” or “the game” which can be compare with the combat of other martial arts, with the difference that in capoeira, there is not a winner or a loser in the combat, but a real expression of training and ability while having fun and learning from the opponent experience as well. Along with the standing fighting movements, capoeira also implements floor fighting stiles such as Jiujitsu to enrich the self defense experience of the athlete. It also make use of acrobatic move, allowing a more creative way of movement.


Besides the physical development, Capoeira, provides a cultural background, developing musical skills with various instruments, as well as learning the Portuguese language while singing traditional songs that form a very important part of capoeira.

Grupo Topázio

The International Group of Capoeira Topázio was born in the City of Salvador, Bahia in Brazil on March 29 1988. Founded by Raimundo Dos Santos (Mestre Dinho), who dedicated his life to teach and develop a stronger and technical capoeira implementing techniques from other martial arts such as Box, valetudo, judo and jiu-jitsu. Among his Ideals, is to promote a healthy life style based on exercise and away from addictions, alcohol and tobacco. His work has spread all around the world and there are Professors teaching his doctrine in many countries such as Argentina, USA, Spain, Mexico, Germany, Australia, Italy, France, and many more.

Meste Dinho has tried to continue the work of Mestre Bimba, who in the '30s, when foreign martial arts have settled in the country, has introduced new movements in capoeira, which culminated in the creation of the "Luta Regional Bahiana", now known as Capoeira Regional.

Mestre Dinho Believes that capoeira can evolve even more, without losing its roots and foundations. According to him, every art has something to offer to the other, and Capoeira, without prejudice, can relay on the experience and effectiveness from other martial arts to become a more effective and yet unique martial Art.

The characteristic that make capoeria so different from other martial arts, is probably the diversity of styles practiced within capoeira, sometime interpreted as a lack of stability, but which provide each group with its own identity. The style of Grupo Topazio can easily be recognized anywhere in the world because is has a unique style which is developed by all members of the group from the moment they are introduced to capoeira. 

The Group Topazio has been maintained united because all members share the same philosophy and the same objective about capoeira: to grow and expand the art of capoeira to gain more recognition through out the world. Come and be part of this family!

Mestre Dinho

Raimundo dos Santos - Mestre Dinho - was born on May 15, 1957, in the neighborhood of Magueira in the Lower City, in Salvador. None of his ancestors played capoeira, which he learned at age 14, with Mestre Finho  and Mestre Noh, at Boca do Rio


Extremely disciplined, do not smoke or drink alcoholic beverages, and encourage all students to follow his example of healthy living. He trains capoeira, boxing, jiu jitsu, runs and does weight training daily, and has dedicated his life to promote his campaign against drugs within his CApoeira Group.


He began to be well known as part of the Group Viva Bahia, from professor Emilia Biancard from 1978 to 1982, with whom he traveled to different countries performing folkloric show. Since 1983 he participates and coordinates the Folkloric show Topazio that besides Capoeira, includes traditional dances such as maculelê, Dancing of Orixás of Candomblé, Puxada de rede, Samba, Among others.


As foundee of Grupo Topazio, has among his best students his own son, Rudson, who trains with his father since the age 4. Known in the world of capoeira for introducing moves from other modalities, Mestre Dinho contribuites to the evolution of capoeira without losing its roots and uniqueness.


In this sense, Mestre Dinho continues the work of Mestre Bimba, who created the Capoeira Regional which differentiates from the capoeira practiced in the early time (later known as Capoeira Angola), on the introduction of movements from other martial arts to create a more effective fighting style.

Mestre Rudson

Son of Mestre Dinho, has his first contact with Capoeira at Age 3, and began his intense training at age 07. Born in Salvador, he has been by his father in all Batizados and making part of the Folckloric Show since the age of 9. 

At age 15 he started travelling to participate in Batizados from Grupo Topazio all around the world, promoting and growing the Topazio Family all around the group. 

Besides Capoeira, trains boxing and jiu jitsu. At age 17 he was invited to join the group Terra Samba, with which spent traveling to perform capoeira during concerts. This job made him well known outside the capoeira circle, being recognized on the street by fans of the group.

His goal is to make capoeira known and increasingly practiced by all people. Nowadays, Mestre Rudson coordinates and lead the Topazio Group Worldwide, under the advice and approval of his Father Mestre Dinho.


Professor Kino


With an extended Martials Art background, Professor Kino has trained various martial arts since age 6, including Kung-Fu, Tae-kwon-do, Brazilian jiujitsu and capoeira. With over 20 years of capoeira, he trains and teach capoeira to achieve personal growth both physically and personally, and is always eager to share his knowledge and love for capoeira with the community.

Professor Kino lead the Grupo Grupo Topazio Mexico in Guadalajara from 2003 to 2011 and is currently the lead professor of Grupo Capoeira Topazio Arizona since 2013. Nowadays, professor Kino still supports and mentors the Capoeira Topazio group in Guadalajara, Mexico to maintain strong group aligned to the philosophy of Mestre Dinho and Mestre Rudson.

Professor Kino is one of the few member of Grupo Topazio developing Capoeira work in the USA, and his goal is to stablish a solid base of capoeristas in Arizona with a strong martial art formation while helping students to develop all their potential, not only as strong fighters but also in the personal aspect, promoting a healthy life style away from drugs and vices, encouraging a strong personal drive. 


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